2024-01-23 19:04:26 -
1.包装很精美,皮质柔软,很有质感,没有异味。 2.款式好看,带头不错,宽度刚刚好,个人觉得有点稍长。 3.最满意的是有打孔器赠送很贴心

2024-01-11 12:20:13 -

2024-01-07 19:53:05 -

2024-01-19 13:34:41 -

2024-01-15 10:41:28 -

2024-01-06 20:21:03 -

2024-01-16 12:37:19 -

2024-01-01 17:45:10 -

2024-01-07 14:59:41 -

2024-01-02 01:45:43 -



我曾经在国内外至少6个大都市长住过(2年以上), 这些城市的治安好坏不一, 今天写写往事中城市治安给我留下深刻印象的点滴。
我曾遇到过的两次抢劫都是发生在故乡长沙,文革后期,上5,6 年级的时候。一次是跟同院的小朋友从烈士公园划船回来路上,那小 朋友父母是刚从东北四平转业回来的军医,按现在的话说,是有钱的精英,那天小朋友崭新的军帽及五块多 钱被抢,我也被抢了一块钱。军帽那时很时髦,类似于现在的奢侈品,军帽被抢对小朋友是一大打击,多年后他聊到此事还愤愤不平。另 一起被抢是一年以后,我跟年龄相仿的亲戚去橘子洲头玩,在湘江大 桥的桥墩下被打劫,损失也是几块钱,但那几块钱对那年代小孩来说也是一 大笔损失。虽然这两次被抢都是小混混干的,但窥斑见豹, 那时的治安可想而知。
改革开放后,国内各地进行严打,治安情况有大的好转, 尤其是大城市。八零年代我在重庆上军医大,生活在闭塞的部队系统,只是白天可以请假出去玩,因此对当地治安也就没有什么担心的。即使如此,有时也会看或听到地方上打群架的事。印象中入校一年多后,学校曾发生学生与地方人士打架事件。一个周末,78级的3位男同学在沙坪坝公园与地方上的几个小混混发 生了口角,继而开打,三同学身强力壮,小混混被打得头破血流, 但其中一位同学也手臂受伤,去学校医院清理包扎后,告诉队长, 在公园玩时, 不小心摔伤。后来地方派出所找过来,学校才知真象,即刻通报全校将三同学辞退了,可见当时学校纪律的严厉, 但大家都觉得惋惜,要知道那时能上个大学,尤其重点大学是多么难的事, 大学生被称为天之骄子。
后来实习及工作都在北京,北京人热情,政治觉悟高, 朝阳群众也多,任何风吹草动,政府都会及时掌握,及时处理, 因此北京的治安绝对是全国最好的。记得在实习时, 我们常常穿梭在北京的大街小巷,玩到深夜的二,三点, 从没担心过治安问题。而印象最深的是北京89年六四期间, 治安是前所未有的好,人人都是尽其所能热情助人,偷窃和抢劫的事在那三个月极少见,说是少于平时的1/10, 可见人性的恶是能压抑,而人性的善是可弘扬的。
90年代初,我们离开了中国到丹麦的哥本哈根做医学研究。哥本哈根应该是世界上最安全和最宜居的城市之一,排名一直在前十以内。 第一次来到这个城市,给了我们很多震撼,在有限的范围内体会到了何谓路不拾遗,夜不闭户。我们住在郊外的小区内,美丽得象个大花园,许多家庭小孩在家门口的草地玩耍,小车玩具就放在门外,从不担心丢失。我们自己骑自行车上班也常常不锁门,自行车不上锁 ,也从未发生丢失事件。那时哥本哈根好些年没有恶性的刑事案, 我们在的那段时间却发生了一起谋杀案,后来破了案,嫌犯是中东移民,这让当地的丹麦人很气愤。
在哥本哈根两年后,我们搬到美国,来到了底特律。 底特律是美国的汽车工业中心,有过很长时间的辉煌,当时从那些被遗弃的高楼大厦,尤其是几十层楼高的中央火车站可见一斑。80年代后由于日本汽车工业的崛起,底特律日渐没落,失业率居高不下, 一直在10%以上,社会治安恶化,有钱的中产阶级白人搬到了8迈以外郊区,剩下来的黑人,尤其是黑人小青年整天无所事事,吸毒打砸抢什么都干,但还好的是,他们一般在自己居住的范围之内折腾, 我所工作的亨利福特医院虽然在城中,离市中心也不远,但医院范围之内很安全,社会上的黑人不会进到这个系统来。记得刚到底特律,我们住在医院的进修楼,有次快天黑时到市中心去看看,虽然还没到下班时间,但人很少,到处阴森森的,象半个鬼城,第二天跟同 事说,同事包括实验室的黑人都说,车子没被砸,人没被抢已经很运气了, 并告诫天黑以后,千万不要离开医院的范围。想想也后怕, 从那以后再也不敢随便去市中心了,尤其是那些乱的地区。 那时我还认识一墨西哥移民,他打两份工,工作非常努力,攒了钱 ,在离医院两迈的地方,用一万美全买了个4000尺的别墅, 房子很豪华,以为实现了美国梦,但不久就被抢,自此生活在恐惧中 ,后来告诉我,等他存到七八万美金,就会立即到郊区买房,搬走那是非之地。其实这老墨住的地方在市里还不算差的, 差区,你只要象征性交个十来美金,就可以买个房,就看你敢不敢住。遗憾的是,20年过去了,底特律的治安情况不但没有改善, 而且更差了,差到了全美倒数第一。
在底特律待了两年后,我们就搬到了大洛杉矶地区,在这一住20多年, 这里是我们小孩生长的地方,可谓我们的第二故乡。刚来时,我们住在西边洛杉矶加大UCLA附近,靠近比华利及海边,治安和环境都没得说。 但在大落杉矶待了一段时间,知道像美国的其他大城市一样,这里有些区治安很不好,包括市中心及往南区域。当时有一香港朋友是批发玩具的,生意做得很大,大陆有上万人工厂, 在市中心4街有一很大的店面,那一带白天还干净整齐,秩序也不错, 但下班后,无家可归的人大量涌入,在路边店前占地过夜, 黑压压的一片,甚是状观。但这些人不惹事, 第二天一早撤走,象一种默契,警察都懒得管了。 市中心无家可归的人很多,有趣的是,附近的收容所常常有空位, 即使恶劣天气时,这些人也不愿意住到收容所, 他们更喜欢过无拘无束的流浪生活。洛杉矶南边是最乱的区, 帮派很多,杀人放火的事亦常发生,警察经常采取行动, 严厉打击并清理帮派,但这些年来, 治安还是没有大的改善。我有个警察客人在城南的警察分局工作过,她说他们警察都不敢在那个区域单独行动, 可见那里治安不是一般的差。美国这样大都市内城(inner city)的问题就像一个毒瘤,多少年来不但无法清理干净,还有蔓延的趋势。期待今天上任的川普总统对此有所作为,只有清理了这些大城市的毒瘤,才能真正  "Make America Great Again".

I like the price and my boyfriend loves the comfort and style.
- Switzerland

Love this shoe as it is very comfortable and fits well. Looks good too.
- Switzerland

I have wide feet and ordered extra wide. They fit great.The sneaker looks fine too.
- Singapore

Nike runs about a 1/2 size small. I wear a 10.5 normally and wear an 11 in Nike. Good shoes.
- Liberia

My husband loves these shoes and continues to buy then every time he needs shoes. Laces are to long though.
- Liberia

I'm a truck driver climbing up and down and inside trailers shoes perform well no falling apart yet so I'd buy them again
- Switzerland

I have had a hard time finding these shoes in stores in regular width, so I was really glad I could purchase these at a very reasonable price.
- Liberia

I needed an all leather shoe for my trips in the fall and winter. Bought this because I have had great experiences with similar shoes - which needed replacing.
- Liberia

I wear size 8 shoe -orderd size 8 -normal width .I m 5'7" -130 lbs . They fit perfect . Little snug at first as are all new shoes . Hope this helps with concerning ordering a size larger issue .
- Liberia

This is my third pair of these shoes. I have wide feet so I have a hard time finding good shoes that fit well. These work great and each pair lasts me at least twice as long as previous shoes I have tried. They are very comfortable.
- Liberia

2024-01-12 08:58:10--
Bluetooth headset is really easy to use, with meticulous workmanship, good texture, good sound quality, comfortable wearing and really good endurance.

2024-01-12 08:56:44--
Sound quality Sound effect Sound quality is very good, there is no noise, it sounds very good Comfort is very comfortable, the endurance is very good, I love love directly!

2024-01-12 08:55:47--
It's perfect! ! It is perfect to see the explosive color matching and high quality workmanship. It fits the watch dial very well and the touch screen is smooth! It will be repurchased, planting grass!

2024-01-12 08:53:13--
I love these beat buds they work very well...this is my second pair and they look just like the real pair

2024-01-12 08:52:47--
They fit a bit small, but look quite good and seems to be comfortable

2024-01-12 08:51:30--
Product that arrived before the expected date. Excellent quality, identical to the originals

2024-01-12 08:49:10--
I absolutely love the shoes but I didn’t get my free pair of socks and the tracking information needs to be updated more

2024-01-12 08:47:51--
Came very quick love it

2024-01-12 08:47:10--
Or to buy things online benefits

2024-01-12 08:45:44--
The second time I bought it, it is worth buying back. great

2024-01-04 19:04:34--
Amazed!!!! Will order again fast shipping first time buying from this seller and pleased just buy them so worth it

2024-01-04 19:04:17--
great trainers, cannot fault them for the price. delivery 2-3 weeks great service all round will be ordering more

2024-01-04 19:03:04--
Perfect reps!

2024-01-04 19:02:18--
They are so amazing they came in a week if I’m not mistaken but they look really good no problems.I highly recommend and will order more

2024-01-04 19:00:13--
Recommended 100*100

2024-01-04 18:59:51--
Perfect I recommend this seller

2024-01-04 18:58:46--
very good communication very serious seller to recommend eyes closed very good quality product

2024-01-04 18:57:25--
Shoes never came

2024-01-04 18:55:05--
They were okay they E is slightly bigger than the rest of the letters I got a pair from the before and the first pair was better so I thought they would be the same.

2024-01-04 18:54:53--
I was super excited about these shoes until they arrived they smell bad the stitching is horrible and falling out the Nike check is stitched on backwards The only good thing was fast shipping

2024-01-04 18:53:17--
I would have giving a 5 star but when I received the shoes that didn’t come with a box they didn’t put enough tissue in the shoes and came dented and crease up around the toe area.

2024-01-04 18:53:08--
It came super fast which I was really excited about but I was disappointed. Just a little tho. It was creased and looked like someone YEETED my box across the world then landed at my doorstep. I like it tho, looks real. and I know it's not the sellers fault :D. I ❤ REPS MUHAHAHHAHA. you will not get called out! and if you do whooo cares.

2024-01-04 18:52:36--
Item as described, shoes look pretty much identical to the real one, expect for some really really small details, but u gotta be an expert to see them. Shipping exactly 14 days

2024-01-04 18:52:07--
Love these

2024-01-04 18:51:53--
Love them!!

2024-01-04 18:48:40--
real person here, promise you they 1:1

2024-01-04 18:47:54--
very happy with my purchases from them very good quality

2024-01-04 18:43:02--
Was very iffy about buying these!!im a sneaker head so this was a no for me.My som is 5 and really rough on shows so why not most def worth the money and will be going more

2024-01-04 18:41:42--
decent quality some glue mistakes fast shipping

2024-01-04 18:40:20--
Love it very much

2024-01-04 18:39:43--

2024-01-04 18:39:19--
Run a half size small

2024-01-04 18:39:05--
Surprisingly very real

2024-01-04 18:37:00--
Really a pleasant shopping experience

2024-01-04 18:34:26--
received within 3 weeks and the product is very authentic, difinitly will by more pairs

2024-01-04 18:34:16--
awesome!!! the best quality!!!thank you very much!!! will order more again soon,thank you very much.

2024-01-04 18:33:35--
product is great!i deliberately ordered a bit bigger shoe size but it would be better if i ordered the right size because they are to big for this year!no matter, they will be good for the next season!i recommend the product!

2024-01-04 18:33:32--
I just received these this morning, having waited 2.5 mts for them, being a first time dh gate user I was a bit nervous about whether I would recieve them or not. But I finally got them and the are great quality. They sole plastic is pretty hard though

2024-01-04 09:22:56--
Great product, excellent cost benefit

2024-01-04 09:21:44--
The delivery speed is very fast, the sellers service is also good, so far I am very satisfied

2024-01-04 09:20:36--
I asked many questions, but he wasn't bored and answered me seriously. When I received it, the package was already completed. When I opened it, to my surprise, it was better than I expected! Raise your thumb. I will be back when I need it next time, so please give the store owner a discount!

2024-01-04 09:19:05--
W Yeezy slides

2024-01-04 09:17:40--
Very nice and fast shipping.Thanks. And will order again.

2024-01-04 09:14:54--
Very nice 👍🏽

2024-01-04 09:14:21--
Product never got sent and wont send my money back

2024-01-04 09:11:23--
This dupe is an exact replica! Everything about them is identical to the Hoka name brand! So very comfy

2024-01-04 09:07:07--
The blue is more purple. Not giving what the description stated. It’s not BLUE

2024-01-04 09:05:38--
Looks really good a little more yellow gold though so bare that in mind

2024-01-04 09:04:44--
Great Exactly What I W anted

2024-01-04 09:03:00--
I can honestly say the quality and detail is way better than I expected. I’m very satisfied with my purchase and will most definitely do business with this seller again and again

2024-01-04 09:02:38--
and the seller was communicative. Will definitely be buying other color ways soon.Great quality of shoes and extremely fast delivery service

2024-01-04 09:02:04--
Great , fast delivery

2024-01-04 09:00:01--
Easy to use, I like it very much, and the sound quality is excellent.

2024-01-04 08:59:27--
Exquisite and beautiful, good-looking, fashionable, comfortable to wear, soft

2024-01-04 08:57:38--
The quality is very good, which really surprised me. The packaging is very careful. Thank you very much. I wish business success.

2024-01-04 08:55:32--
The headphones are comfortable to wear, the Bluetooth connection is stable, the sound is full, the battery life is long, the carrying is convenient, and the delivery speed of the seller is fast. Really satisfied!

2024-01-04 00:06:07--
Looks extremely fake the bag was crushed during shipping :(

2024-01-04 00:05:51--
The smell is HORRIBLE!

2024-01-04 00:03:53--
no label inside no box .

2024-01-04 00:03:42--
The bag is of very good quality but the way they ship it pretty much ruins it. There is a huge crease down one side from being folded. Why not charge a few more dollars and put it in a box? Do I really have to pay extra and ask for this? Who wants a purse with a big crease cutting through the side of it? Otherwise the bag is beautiful it’s a shame. I’ve tried to hang it I’ve put heavy books in it and it’s still there.

Displaying 1 to 60 (of 779 reviews)

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